This is a project to create an interactive, comprehensive, and permanently-updated bibliography on the Macro-Jê peoples and their languages. The bibliography is built on a collaborative platform. Anyone can contribute by submitting bibliographic entries; in addition, site members can further contribute by adding annotations to the bibliographic entries. The editors welcome any comments and suggestions and invite the participation of everyone interested.
The project is conceived as a continuation of previous, printed bibliographies, such as the book Bibliografia das Línguas Macro-Jê (D'Angelis, Cunha & Rodrigues 2002). Reflecting the ever-growing flow of Macro-Jê studies which have been taking place in the past two decades (especially in Brazilian universities), the online bibliography already includes dozens of theses and dissertations produced after the publication of the printed bibliography (which is also available online, as a searchable PDF). Besides the innovations brought about by the adoption of an electronic format, the online bibliography also presents a major difference in scope. While the printed Bibliografia included only languages considered as Macro-Jê by Aryon Rodrigues (1970, 1986, 1999), therefore excluding Otí, Chiquitano, and the Jabutí languages, the online project comprises all languages which have been proposed as being Macro-Jê by different authors (Aryon Rodrigues, Morris Swadesh, Joseph Greenberg, etc.). While there's no evidence for the inclusion of Otí, suggested only by Greenberg, recent studies strongly corroborate the inclusion of Chiquitano and Jabutí; furthermore, although Guató is considered a Macro-Jê language by all major classifications, the evidence for this classification is not strong. The comprehensiveness of the online bibliography is meant to ensure its function as a platform for open scholarly exchange on Macro-Jê cultures and languages. Academic relevance and accuracy are maintained by editors from various fields (linguistics, anthropology, and archaeology) and institutions. Each bibliographic record has its own unique URL, and can be individually bookmarked, emailed, and annotated. Links are provided for items available online, particularly those offered through open-access initiatives such as Scielo, Biblioteca Digital Curt Nimuendaju, and several online academic libraries. Users can stay informed on new additions to the bibliography by subscribing to our RSS feeds. Items can be grouped (and printed) as a complete bibliographic list, or by language. Languages are listed in a tree format, reflecting (grosso modo) current understanding of their genetic relationships. |
Download Click here to download the book Bibliografia das Línguas Macro-Jê (PDF, 5.84 MB), or read it online at the Internet Archive. Initially, book and website will be roughly in complementary distribution, but the book's content will gradually be incorporated into the website. Recently added Novak, Éder. 2006 Mota, Lúcio. 1996 Noelli, Francisco. 1998 518 (+more) Recently annotated (+more) |
About this project